ITQuants blog

By Philippe Bonneau on 3/5/2013 12:16 PM

Sometimes, we need to save informations ourselves in some Oracle table without using the mapping between some CSREdit control and some field in the Oracle TITRES table. Sadly, on Sophis Risque, and despite several requests I made, there is no specific callback to implement for the Oracle rollback or commit. Thus, the only way to implement the save of additional informations, and recommended by Sophis, is the following one:

By Philippe Bonneau on 11/8/2012 1:22 PM

Using the CSRCustomMenu class gives the opportunity for the developer to control at least the behaviour of the items and the type of the internal variable used for storing the information. The subject of this entry is to detail the virtual methods which have to be overloaded in order to control the type of the variable.

By Philippe Bonneau on 10/10/2012 2:29 PM

Imagine that the instrument dialog was overloaded by toolkit, and that the sicovam is required to make some SQL query when opening the insturment dialog. If there is no test on the fact that the instrument is displayed in audit mode, this will certainly fail since the sicovam given by the CSRInstrument will correspond to the "new" sicovam and not the one used in current mode.

By Philippe Bonneau on 9/28/2012 11:33 AM

In most cases, and on versions of Sophis Risque before the 6.0, it is not possible to access to the native fields using the toolkit Sopshis method GetElementByRelativeId, beacause such fields are not natively a CSRElement.

The goal of this post is to show how to use the Low Level Toolkit, in order to update the display, and the internal structure on a specific case (Folio creation/modification).

By Philippe Bonneau on 3/14/2012 10:33 AM

After a migration from x86 to x64 on Misys Risque, one of the biggest deal was to find a tool able to check the memory leaks and access violations (buffer overrun and so on..). This was done one year ago, but I think that nothing has been changed since. I tested different tools and this is the results of my analysis:

By Philippe Bonneau on 2/17/2012 1:04 PM

For the newbies, this website already existed before. It was created first in 2007, just at the end of the boost of the derivatives business and just before the subprime crisis. The first website was really open to everybody, with almost the same services as it is proposed in the actual one.


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