ITQuants blog

By Philippe Bonneau on 3/27/2014 5:29 PM

On Sophis Risque 5.3.7 and Value equivalent version, some data needed for the pricing or that could be needed for traceability for regulatory convenience are not audited. Triggers and supplementary tables need to be defined in order to duplicate them, and to offer to the internal audit service the possibillity to know which user has modified the data.

By Philippe Bonneau on 3/24/2014 3:29 PM

Auditing some performance at one client, I needed to make some search on the database in order to see how the database is growing. This is a part of the results of this study and could be considered as a beginning to reference some other useful queries. It is using in most cases the audit tables and not the logs. Of course, the use of the Sophis logs could enhance the results made by these queries too.

By Philippe Bonneau on 3/14/2014 6:10 PM

On Sophis Risque and Value, it is possible to add specific user rights, by adding tabs on user/group configuration. Tabs and fields are added using the Oracle table USER_RIGHT_TABLE. On previous versions of Sophis, such rights were defined using C++ toolkit and the obsolete class CSRUserRights.

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