ITQuants blog

By Philippe Bonneau on 3/27/2014 5:29 PM

On Sophis Risque 5.3.7 and Value equivalent version, some data needed for the pricing or that could be needed for traceability for regulatory convenience are not audited. Triggers and supplementary tables need to be defined in order to duplicate them, and to offer to the internal audit service the possibillity to know which user has modified the data.

By Philippe Bonneau on 6/14/2013 11:58 AM

If you need to run SQL scripts in order to update some deals stored into the Oracle table of deals, HISTOMVTS, several things have to be done in  order to permit the update done by the Oracle triggers at the same time. The steps to respect are the following ones:

By Philippe Bonneau on 10/10/2012 2:29 PM

Imagine that the instrument dialog was overloaded by toolkit, and that the sicovam is required to make some SQL query when opening the insturment dialog. If there is no test on the fact that the instrument is displayed in audit mode, this will certainly fail since the sicovam given by the CSRInstrument will correspond to the "new" sicovam and not the one used in current mode.

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