ITQuants blog

VS2005: how to resolve “LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined”?

Nov 25

Written by:
11/25/2013 7:15 PM  RssIcon

I 've got today the following message, when I've tried to compile a dll that compiled fine before any change:

“LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined”

During my investigations for resolution, I've tried several tests that all failed:

- redefining the entry point of the dll by changing the value of /ENTRY in the Advanced tab of the Link properties item

- changing the subsytem environment by forcing it to windows in the System tab of the Link properties item

- selecting again Dynamic Library as Configuration Type in the General property item.

Finally, I found the solution: the message occurs because some folder was obsolete in the Additional Library Directories of the General tab of the Link properties item. The additional path which was wrong was something like the following one: $(SolutionDir)\..\NotExistingPathName.

Of course, the message has nothing to do with the root cause and should normally not appear (it does not appear in other cases).

Tags: Visual Studio , C++ , link , 1561
Categories: C++

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